What is it about being warm and dry after having been cold and wet, that is so very, VERY satisfactory? Feels so good, and yet I've never been able to describe or even identify the feeling, and if others don't recognize it from their own experience, then we are all just up that particular creek without a paddle.
I'm eating a bowl of red beans, a plate of buttered toast and drinking Merlot. Could be the Merlot that is enhancing this feeling of cozy well-being, but I don't think so. I've only had about three sips. The beans, (though I says it as shouldn't) are particularly good and very tasty and very fulfilling to my mind's tongue. Or perhaps I mean to the little chef who lives in my mouth (not unlike Tony) and is currently rolling on his back with his feet in the air and a big happy smile on his face.
I have just returned from the Saturday Market/Rose Festival, where I was hanging out with Mickey and Bryson. The mud was thick and yet very watery, sticky and very smelly. It rained on us the first fifteen minutes or so, so I was a soggy mess all day long, and yet we still had a very good time! Bryson is very brave about rides, even the really scary ones ( he went on one called the Inverter, WITH Mickey, and all the while he was beaming with joy, and Mickey was praying to be released) and we took him to almost everything there. I shared a big bag of cotton candy with both of them, and Bryson wore a pink sticky beard for the rest of the adventure.
It was very satisfying, as well. I'm happy, and comfortable, and smiling, and don't even care that now I must go and perform my chauffeuring duties for Kevin and Calhoun.
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